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contoh kalimat copper plate

"copper plate" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • It's the copper plate, Sir. Yea!
    Gelatinnya, Pak Mayor, meleleh.
  • Antique brass plated color antique copper plated color
    warna berlapis kuningan antik warna berlapis tembaga antik
  • Minakari frame copper plate 30 cm arabesque khatai
    Minakari plate diameter 25 cm arabesque khatai...
  • Zinc Steel, Copper Plated Steel , Stainless Steel
    seng baja, tembaga berlapis baja, stainless steel
  • 5 The Copper plated steel helix can be made antistatic;
    5 Helix baja berlapis tembaga dapat dibuat antistatik;
  • 5 The Copper plated steel helix can be made antistatic;
    5 Heliks baja berlapis tembaga dapat dibuat antistatik;
  • Carbon Steel Copper Plated Machine Thread Stud Welding Screw
    Baja Karbon Tembaga Disepuh Mesin Thread Stud Welding Screw
  • Black copper plated finished PVD gold color plated finished
    berlapis tembaga hitam selesai Warna emas PVD berlapis jadi
  • Honor Symbol Custom Award Medals with Copper plating Contact Now
    Promosi Hadiah Kain Logam Khusus Dengan Plated Hubungi sekarang
  • Copper Plated Architectural Wire Mesh Stainless Steel 304 For Cabinets
    Tembaga Disepuh Arsitektur Wire Mesh Stainless Steel 304 Untuk Lemari
  • Frame Design Architectural Wire Mesh With Antique Copper Plated Finshed
    Bingkai Desain Arsitektur Wire Mesh Dengan Finshed Berlapis Tembaga Antik
  • Copper Plating Bath Shower Accessories Rotatable 304 Stainless Steel Concealed
    Aksesoris Mandi Tembaga Plating Mandi Rotatable 304 Stainless Steel Tersembunyi
  • Applied Materials Thin mild steel, Stainless steel, Aluminum, Copper plate
    Bahan Terapan Baja ringan tipis, Baja tahan karat, Aluminium, Plat tembaga
  • Applied Materials Thin mild steel, Stainless steel, Aluminum, Copper plate
    Applied Materials Baja ringan tipis, baja tahan karat, aluminium, pelat tembaga
  • DIN Standard Copper Investment Casting Part Copper Plated Screws Non Ferrous
    DIN Standar Investasi Tembaga Bagian Pengecoran Sekrup Tembaga Berlapis Non Ferrous
  • USP18967 Series NTC Thermal Resistor Pipeline Temperature Sensor Copper Plated Housing
    USP18967 Seri NTC Termal Resistor Pipa Sensor Suhu Tembaga Disepuh Perumahan
  • Steel Red Modified PTFE Cylindircal Bushes , Tin Or Copper Plated RoHS
    Baja Merah Dimodifikasi PTFE Cylindircal Bushes, Tin Atau RoHS Berlapis Tembaga
  • Copper plating, copper foil production and copper foil treatment and PCB manufacturing;
    Plating tembaga, tembaga foil produksi dan pengolahan tembaga foil dan PCB manufaktur;
  • 1 A Copper plated steel helix embedded between two layers of polyurethane;
    1 A helix baja berlapis tembaga tertanam di antara dua lapisan poliuretan;
  • 1 A Copper plated steel helix embedded between two layers of polyurethane;
    1 Heliks baja berlapis tembaga yang ditanam di antara dua lapisan poliuretan;
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3